




Must-Know Tips To Help You Get Perfectly Defined Eyebrows


If you thought the eyebrow trend began recently then you’re highly mistaken. Eyebrow styles have been changing over the years! From rounded brows to ultra-thin, to waxed off to now fuller eyebrows; it’s safe to say that this is one of the most important yet underrated trends in the beauty world.

via Gfycat

Determining your eyebrow shape is as crucial as contouring. Unfortunately, not many people are aware that your eyebrow shape needs to match your face and we’re on a mission to change this! Currently, fuller eyebrows are all the rage and if you want to get on board this trend then these simple tips will help you look brow-tastic. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro, we’re going to show you how to achieve envious eyebrows.

1) Determine your face shape

Use your makeup brush to figure out your eyebrow shape. The start of your eyebrow should line up with the outer edge of your nostril. Next, find where your arch lies by placing the brush diagonally from the edge of your nose over to the center of your eye. Finally, line the brush with the corner of your nose and the edge of your eye to determine where your eyebrow should end.

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2) Invest in a good spoolie

A spoolie is an eyebrow shaping tool with soft bristles. Before filling in your brows, use a spoolie to brush them up and away from your nose to remove any stray hair.


3) Filling in your brows

We aren’t pointing any fingers, but many people are guilty of overfilling their brows. The trick to getting fuller eyebrows without them looking fake is to first lightly shade the hair above and below to create a barely-there shadow.
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4) Don’t colour your skin

It’s called a BROW pencil for a reason. Keep the pencil away from your skin and don't draw over areas where there's no hair present. Remember, the goal is to make it look natural not fake. 


5) Choose the right colour

One of the most common mistakes women make is getting a pencil shade that’s way too dark. You’d be surprised how much of a difference just a little colour can make. The easiest rule to keep in mind while choosing your eyebrow pencil colour is that people with dark hair should opt for a lighter shade and people with light coloured hair should opt for one shade darker.
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6) Don’t over-tweeze

This isn’t the early 2000s. Be careful while tweezing and don’t get carried away with plucking all of it off. Your eyebrows help protect your eyes and frame your face so remove only any extra hair.


7) Enhance your brows

While a brow pencil and spoolie work well, you can take it one step further and get defined eyebrows. Concealer on the top and bottom will help fix any errors and a shimmery highlighter on your brow bone will help lift your eyes and give them more definition.
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Simple right? Now that you know the steps, all you need is the right product. Formulated with eco-conscious ingredients, now get fuller and natural-looking brows that will last up to 9 hours with MyGlamm’s LIT Brow Definer Pencil.


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