




Best Work From Home Memes To Boost Your Mood


The spread of coronavirus has forced every country to opt for a complete lockdown. This has lead to people being caged at home while animals freely roam the streets. Nope, this isn't an episode of Black Mirror, it's reality. Our only hope right now is to stay quarantined at home in order to stop the spread of COVID19. While some are stuck at home doing nothing, many have been working from home. This idea seemed fun during the first week but now it's a balancing act between work and personal life. 

If you thought working from home was going to be a walk in the park, well, you thought wrong. Aside from dealing with zoom calls that have become as popular as Netflix during this pandemic, you also need to deal with your personal life which includes either family, pets, kids, or all of the above. If you’re struggling to manage your work and home life simultaneously during this time of quarantine, well don't worry, you are not the only one.

This outbreak has forced many countries to go into lockdown with offices now making employees work from home until this pandemic is under control. Judging by the rate at which things are going, self-quarantine and social distancing are going to be the new norm for an indefinite amount of time. If you are at your wits' end, trying to manage everything and just desperate to run outside, then these WFH memes are what you need.

Laughter is the best medicine and people are definitely not losing their sense of during this pandemic. And thanks to social media you can sit back, take a 5 min work break and enjoy these classics that will definitely put a smile on your face.


"Hello, I Want To Play A Game." 

Your kid and Jigsaw are probably starting to show a lot of similarities right now. 

This Is The New Way Of Life, Get Used To It

PC: @workfromhomememes

When Everyone Said 'New Decade, New Me' This Is Not What We Had In Mind. 

PC: @cr_kendrick

Some Things Never Change!

PC: @thedailyshow

If You Don’t Have Kids, You Shouldn’t Be Complaining About WFH

Twitter PC: @Obadimz

Pyjamas All Day, Every Day

Twitter PC: @ellelljaytoo

Change Is Hard

Twitter PC: @@ankityadav08

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5 Hashtags That Will Help You Stay Positive During This Lockdown


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