




Natural Facial Hair Removal: 7 Easy Home Remedies To Remove Facial Hair At Home

facial hair removal at home

We as Indians are blessed with an abundance of hair –– whether it’s on our head or on our body. Body hair is absolutely normal and almost every woman has it. For some it grows super fast, thick, and dark, for others, it’s just a little peach fuzz –– it’s all dependent on your genetics. While it is not a hard and fast rule to do facial hair removal at home -, a lot of women prefer doing it to keep themselves groomed. If there’s anything that the lockdown has taught us, it’s how to be self-sufficient. While traditional methods like waxing, threading, laser, and shaving are great, facial hair removal at home is sometimes the safest (and inexpensive) way forward. Scroll down to know what is facial hair removal at home and see the best home remedies to remove facial hair at home.


Facial Hair Removal At Home


Other than making your face look super smooth, the process of hair removal also exfoliates the skin. This allows all your products –– makeup and skincare –– to work and look a lot better. These home remedies to remove facial hair will help you tackle those furry brows, pokey moustaches, and soft peach fuzz, without any hassle.


Honey & Sugar


This age-old method is great for facial hair removal at home. Sugar exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, while honey’s antibacterial properties heals any blemishes or irritated skin.



1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons sugar

Cotton cloth strips



Mix the ingredients together with a tablespoon of water in a bowl. Heat the mix in a microwave for 25-30 seconds –– the sugar needs to dissolve completely. Apply the mix on the areas you want to remove your hair and place a cotton cloth strip. Let it cool and yank off the strip in the opposite direction of your hair growth.


Cornstarch & Egg Whites


A great option for acne-prone skin, egg whites help get rid of dead skin cells. When mixed with cornstarch it forms a sticky white layer that’s great for facial hair removal at home.




1 egg white

½ tablespoon cornstarch

1 tablespoon sugar




Mix all three ingredients in a bowl and apply it on the area –– let it dry completely to form a peel-off make on your face. Peel off the ends of the mask, and gently pull it off in the opposite direction of your hair growth.


Gelatin & Milk


Gelatin is that ooey-gooey substance used in your favourite jelly or custard. It is also a great ingredient for facial hair removal at home. The lactic acid in the milk helps exfoliate your skin too!




1 teaspoon unflavoured gelatin powder

3 tablespoons milk

2-3 drops of lemon juice




Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and microwave it for 15 seconds. Apply it on your face evenly and let it cool and dry. Peel it off in the opposite direction of your hair growth and you’ll be good to go.


Potato & Lentils


This recipe isn’t just limited to your favourite home-cooked meals. The combination creates a crusty film on your skin which helps remove facial hair. Plus, potato juice has a whole lot of bleaching properties which aids in lightening the hair.




1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon lemon juice

5 tablespoons potato juice

1 cup of lentils (soaked overnight)




Grind the soaked lentils to a smooth paste. Mix in the honey, lemon juice, and potato juice. Apply it on your face and leave it on till it dries. Wash it off with warm water.


Lemon & Honey


An alternative to waxing, honey helps with moisturising the skin and tackling any blemishes. Lemon and sugar together exfoliate the skin, while removing any hair. It’s an amazing way for doing facial hair removal at home.




1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon cornstarch




Mix the sugar, lemon juice, and honey together –– heat it in a microwave till the sugar dissolves. You can add water to thin the liquid if it becomes too thick. Let the mixture cool and apply cornstarch on the area you’d like to remove the hair from. Apply the paste and let it cool. Use a wax strip or cotton cloth to remove the hair. And remember to pull in the opposite direction. 


Rose Water & Gram Flour


Gram flour or besan is an Indian staple in most DIY beauty routines. It exfoliates the skin, and the rosewater naturally hinders hair growth.




3 tablespoons gram flour

3 tablespoons rose water

2-3 drops lemon juice




Mix the ingredients very well till it forms a paste. Apply this mix on your face and let it dry. Once dried, use your fingers to massage the dry mix into your skin. Repeat this method at least twice a week.


Oatmeal & Banana


This go-to breakfast meal is a great way for doing facial hair removal at home. The oatmeal acts like a gentle exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and unwanted facial hair.




2 tablespoons oatmeal

1 banana




Smash the banana and add the oatmeal –– mix the two ingredients together. Apply the paste evenly on your skin and gently massage it in circular motions. Let it dry for 20 minutes and rinse it off with some lukewarm water. Do this at least once a week.


FAQs about Remove Facial Hair

Q. Is it okay to remove facial hair?

Yes, it’s okay to remove facial hair only if you pick the right method and take proper precautions. 

Q.  Is it OK to remove female facial hair?

Yes, facial hair removal at home is quite common amongst females. All you got to do is to choose a safe method and remove hair. Also, if you have a delicate or sensitive skin type, our suggestion would be to consult your dermatologist before doing it.

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Facial hair removal can be a pain, especially when it needs to be carried out elsewhere every now and again. These home remedies to remove facial hair are a natural way to get rid of that peach fuzz, while nourishing your skin thoroughly.

Image courtesy - Pexels


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